Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Blog post 11

In Back To the Future we can learn that with technology we can learn to think outside the box. Students learn from the experiments they do, they cover the standards and then the students write a blog about it. You get to share a classes experiences with other students around the world. Active learning invites students to be learners. Using technology can help incorporate students with health problems or other disabilities in the classroom.
Blended Learning Cycle is the combination of online, mobile, and classroom work. There are five components to the learning cycle; explore, explain, expand, engage, and evaluate. The first part to any learning cycle would be to start with a question that engages the students. The students ask a question and the investigate it. After they investigate they watch a video describing what they are doing, the elaborate on it, review it and then they take a quiz at the end to test their knowledge of what they just learned.
In the Sam Pane 4th Grade video we can learn how to teach the students the proper way to use the internet. We can teach them to be responsible and safe. They created a super digital citizen and placed them in a story. They built a narrative to help them understand how to be safe when using these resources.
With Project Based Learning it engages learners and it gives them a better understanding of what it is they are learning. It allows the students and teachers more time to do projects. It makes students responsible for their projects. It also teaches them skills that they don't normally learn in a regular classroom.
In the last video Roosevelt Elementary's PBL Program we learn that with project based learning the style is much different. It deals with real world problems and brings them into the classroom. Project based learning teaches real world problem solving skills such as learning to speak in public and learning to work with others. The students get to make their own choices. They learn to work by them self as well as working with others.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Blog post 10

In the video First Graders in Ms. Cassidy's Class , they use blogs, wiki, Skype, and a class web page. Her students love using these in class. It helps them learn and develop decision making skills. They like that anyone can view what they have done and like getting comments. They are taught to not make mean comments on any ones blog , and to be respectful of others. In the other video Cassidy 13 Part 1 she got involved with technology when they got computers in the classroom. They didn't have any programs on them. She set out to figure out how to make web pages, blogs and anything thing else that would be useful and educational in her classroom. Principles allowed her to keep doing these projects or computer centers even though they didn't have any real interest in it. Parents enjoy it because they can see their child's progress through the year other than coming to parent teacher conferences. They, the students, get many lessons using just one program such as blogging. Cassidy 13 Part 2 , Mrs. Cassidy says to start with what you are interested in such as video. That way it will have some use and meaning to you. She also says plns are important because you can connect with other teachers and future educators. You can share links , ask questions or even answer someone else's questions via personal learning networks. In the last video Cassidy 13 Part 3 , She uses her blog for class assignments about once a week. She uses it as a center among the others. Social media can be used in the classroom if it is for the school and not your personal life. The two have to be separate. Teachers have to teach children the appropriate way to use the technology in the classroom. Like safety, being on task, and only playing educational games.
In my classroom I would use blogging. With physical education that would be the easiest thing to start with. I could use it for the students to post about a new game or a sport they haven't played to introduce to the class. Blogging in physical education can used to set up practice time and alert the team if practice is canceled or has moved to another location.

C4K summary 2

Maliks blog is about whether they raise the basketball rim or not. He says that some argue that it would be a good idea and would add a level of excitement. He doesn't want the rim to be raised for dunking purposes. He states that not everything needs a change. He thinks that if it is raised the NBA will lose money. I agree with him that the rim should not be changed. It has been the same height for years. Why do they need to change it now? I don't believe the NBA will lose money if they do decide to raise it.

Ian Cs blog is about how they created videos for weathering and erosion. He liked his video because he though it was cool. They put pictures of avalanches and mudslides. They also added diagrams to show what happens during erosion. He include a summary of what weathering and erosion are as well. I think that creating videos about what weathering and erosion are is a great way to visualize what is going on. Its a great idea to add pictures and diagrams , this will make it more descriptive and helpful to others.

Mariaangelica's blog gives advice for future high school students. She gives the advice of starting projects/ essays right away when the teacher assigns them. She also gives the advice of doing homework in study hall or in class when you have free time. I agreed that getting started on any project or essay that is assigned is good advice. It is  not a smart idea to do anything last minute because it will not be your best work. Student athletes should take advantage of study hall. Although when I was a student athlete I didn't have a hard time completing homework or projects. Some advice I would give would be to plan your time wisely, organize yourself, and don't spend all your time in front of a tv. Go outside and enjoy the weather or get involved in your community.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Blog post 9

In Seven Essentials for Project Based Learning , there are seven key principles for project based learning. Projects have two main criteria. One is that the student has to personally see the task as meaningful and second the project fulfills an educational purpose. Teachers can engage students with a " Need to know". Something that catches their attention and makes them ask questions. The key to project based learning is the students voice and their choice. It makes the project feel meaningful to the students. Any project should have the opportunity for students to use 21st century skills and the students can conduct a trail that they can follow that began from their questions. The students should also be given the chance to critique other students work and provide each other with meaningful feedback. They should also present their projects to their audience.
1. A need to know
2. A driving question
3. Student voice and choice
4. 21st century skills
5. Inquiry and innovation
6. Feedback and revision
7. A publicly presented product

Project Based Learning For Teachers
Project based learning has students working on a project over an extended period of time as well as formulating and answering a driving question. They share their end product with others. With these projects they meet the standards and they present opportunities to learn valuable skills.

 In Project based learning and physical education   , project based learning can be incorporated a physical education class because it can be used with any standard, has a wide focus and the projects can be completed over a long period of time. An example project based learning outline for physical education includes; excitement, need to know, relevancy, and engagement.

With project based learning and physical education you can have the students come up with exercises for other schools and classes. They cover the physical education standards and teach the students valuable social skills. With these projects students can choose what kind of exercise or sport they want to do. They can also continue be physically active by creating one for themselves.
Project Based Learning in PE

So what motivates students? In the video What Motivates Students? The students like being complemented on their work, it makes them feel accomplished. They like getting good grades because it carries into their futures. Such as caring for a family and going into college. Students respond well to behavioral charts and rewards. They typically enjoy food rewards like pizza parties or getting candy. Some classes even have a class "bank".


Monday, March 16, 2015

C4T blog post 2

Joseph Mc Calebs blog "The infinite in one step" is talking about focusing on taking life or basically anything  one step at a time. And analyzing each step and determining how it resonates through each following step. He seeks reinforcement through the "mystic field" with quotes by Ghalib and William Blakes. I Commented that while treasuring the now and the infinite possibilities of each step in any part of life; when dealing with education and students as individuals there truly can never be a stone path to success that can be used more than once.

Mr. Mc Calebs blog was about the human experience and the part our souls have to play during our lives. He writes that for many centuries and across many civilizations the soul has been attributed to destiny and our fates on the earth. He goes on to write that even though our lives are driven by destiny we can still shape and predict our futures.  Reading this particular post, I feel like many extremely valid and interesting points are made. I imagine the spirit, or soul has always been a part of the human experience and that it drives us onward from what we are to what we can be.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Blog Post 8

Randy Pausch last lecture : Randy Pausch Last Lecture

We can learn from Randy that it is important to have specific goals and dreams. It is important to follow your dreams and pursue your goals no matter what happens. Life will throw up brick walls to keep us from achieving something we want. They are put there so that we can prove how bad we want to achieve our goals. Never give up on completing your goals.The majority of what we learn, we learn indirectly. We learn by doing and experiencing. A lot of hard work goes into teaching. Teachers should make learning a fun and educational experience. Give students feedback on their progress because it will teach them how to become self reflective. Students are more willing to learn if there are hands on experiences and projects to help them see what they are learning. Let the students learn something hard by doing it in a fun and creative way so that they don't think what they are learning is very hard. Teaching and learning can be a fun opportunity. Students need mentors and someone to look up to. Give the students a chance to learn from each other. It is important to help others. Teachers can help their students complete their goals. Teachers need to work hard and be prepared because anything can happen.