Joseph Mc Calebs blog "The infinite in one step" is talking about focusing on taking life or basically anything one step at a time. And analyzing each step and determining how it resonates through each following step. He seeks reinforcement through the "mystic field" with quotes by Ghalib and William Blakes. I Commented that while treasuring the now and the infinite possibilities of each step in any part of life; when dealing with education and students as individuals there truly can never be a stone path to success that can be used more than once.
Mr. Mc Calebs blog was about the human experience and the part our souls have to play during our lives. He writes that for many centuries and across many civilizations the soul has been attributed to destiny and our fates on the earth. He goes on to write that even though our lives are driven by destiny we can still shape and predict our futures. Reading this particular post, I feel like many extremely valid and interesting points are made. I imagine the spirit, or soul has always been a part of the human experience and that it drives us onward from what we are to what we can be.
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