Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Blog post 10

In the video First Graders in Ms. Cassidy's Class , they use blogs, wiki, Skype, and a class web page. Her students love using these in class. It helps them learn and develop decision making skills. They like that anyone can view what they have done and like getting comments. They are taught to not make mean comments on any ones blog , and to be respectful of others. In the other video Cassidy 13 Part 1 she got involved with technology when they got computers in the classroom. They didn't have any programs on them. She set out to figure out how to make web pages, blogs and anything thing else that would be useful and educational in her classroom. Principles allowed her to keep doing these projects or computer centers even though they didn't have any real interest in it. Parents enjoy it because they can see their child's progress through the year other than coming to parent teacher conferences. They, the students, get many lessons using just one program such as blogging. Cassidy 13 Part 2 , Mrs. Cassidy says to start with what you are interested in such as video. That way it will have some use and meaning to you. She also says plns are important because you can connect with other teachers and future educators. You can share links , ask questions or even answer someone else's questions via personal learning networks. In the last video Cassidy 13 Part 3 , She uses her blog for class assignments about once a week. She uses it as a center among the others. Social media can be used in the classroom if it is for the school and not your personal life. The two have to be separate. Teachers have to teach children the appropriate way to use the technology in the classroom. Like safety, being on task, and only playing educational games.
In my classroom I would use blogging. With physical education that would be the easiest thing to start with. I could use it for the students to post about a new game or a sport they haven't played to introduce to the class. Blogging in physical education can used to set up practice time and alert the team if practice is canceled or has moved to another location.

1 comment:

  1. Kristen,

    I really enjoyed your summary and hearing what you learned from Mrs. Cassidy's videos. I would also love to use blogging in my classroom. I can not believe I wasn't exposed to blogging until college. I feel like if I can start blogging with my class at such a young age, they will continue to do this and excel as they get older. I never thought of using blogging in a PE course, but now I have an understanding of how it could be beneficial. Again, great post!
