Thursday, February 12, 2015

Project 15 Search Engines

1.Wolfram Alpha- this search engine is pretty straight forward. It asks you what you want to find information on.  I typed in physical education and it gave me a definition. I also typed in Bengal cats, and it gave me a little more information. Such as a description , history , images , and the properties. It is very simple to use!
2. WebMD- I enjoy using WebMD to find anything health related. You can check your symptoms, find doctors , and find great information about staying healthy. It has trending topics you can click and read about. This search engine is easy to use and you can search  anything health related.
3. Bing- Bing is a great search engine to use to find just about anything. You type in what you wish to know about and it pulls up web sites related to your search topic. It also pulls up pictures, videos, and related searches. Bing is very helpful and easy to navigate.
4.Yahoo- Yahoo has links on the left side you can click on, like the weather tab. It will bring up your current location and if it is wrong you have the option to try again. It also has a bar at the top of the page to click and find links from. Such as games, news ,and a search bar. Yahoo has a nice layout. I didn't like using the search bar, I feel like the previous search engines pulled up more information than yahoo.
5.Ehow- This search engine has a nice page layout. After you search something with the search bar it gives you links to click on. You can look at videos and find articles. Over all it is easy to navigate. You can look up pretty much anything you want information on.
6.Galaxy- Galaxy has many tabs for you to choose from like humanities, technology, medicine, and religion. It gives you the option to click on any tab and it bring up folders you can pick through.
7. RecipeBridge- This is a nice search engine if you are looking for recipes. It gives you many links to popular recipes as well as top recipe searches. Search any type of recipe you are looking for and it pulls up a lot of different kind of recipes you can pick from. It lists everything you need as well as prep time. Recipe bridge is a great search tool for finding a recipe.
8. This is a Walt Disney search engine. It is family friendly. You can click on links at the top of the page like, music, games, as well as  books.  After you use the search bar it pulls up the information you are looking for as well as other links to choose from.
recipe bridge image

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