Thursday, February 5, 2015

Blog Post 4

What questions do we as teachers ask our students? The usual " Do you have any questions?'' Doesn't always work. Because there will be some students who wont raise their hand. We as teachers need to think of creative ways to pull the information from our students to see if they know the material.

How do we ask these questions? For me as a physical education teacher, I would ask my students what the rules of the game are, what form they should be using, and how to properly kick or hit the ball. Asking them questions about the material instead of just asking them if they had any questions is a good start. I would also see if they could demonstrate certain things. Getting them involved in demonstrations is a good way to ask them if they know the material taught in class.

physical education clipart


  1. Remember to cite your sources with links within your writing, using the correct HTML codes. Be sure to also read/watch all sources and write your thoughts and opinions on each. Always answer the question thoroughly. Good, but brief post.

  2. Kristen, I couldn't agree with you more about kids being unresponsive when it comes to asking questions. As educators, we are going to find ways to get them involved and asking better questions. Overall good post. Keep up the good work.
